Original textbyAndreasMaryoto, executivesummarybydarmansjah
TGVtrainracedthrough the nightin theSouth of France.Many ofthe passengerswerealreadyasleep.Slowlythen the trainslows downwhen it enters theLourdesstationbefore21.00.Lonely....
Passengers whonumbertens, one by oneoff the train. Still veryquiet. This is indeeda raretrip, to Lourdesduringwinter.Yes, it isveryquietdue tothe millionsof ordinary peoplemake pilgrimagesto this placebetween Marchand Octoberevery year, notthe beginning ofFebruary.Ordinary peoplemake pilgrimagestoLourdestopray andvisit thecaveto theapparition siteinSt.Bernadette.
The story ofthe sightingspadin 1858ithas been recognizedfor by thechurch authorities. Bernadettesaid,Mary appearedto himseveraltimes. Post-recognition of the church, at least5 millionCatholicpeopleeveryyearcome toplaces that canbe reached bytrainfor aboutsixhours fromParis.
A trip toLourdesin Februarywasan unusualtrip. In addition toquiet, the air temperaturewas verycold, sometimesup tominus5 degreesCelsius. However, with good preparation, wecan reap themanybenefits ofvisitingthe place in thewinterbecomesa necessary conditionthat must be takenprior tothat place. Underwear,jackets, gloves, boots, and cold-resistant headgearshouldbe taken. Well, ifthat's enoughpreparation, we started orderingtrains, hotels, etc.
Advantage if we take a trip in the winter, we will get a train ticket prices are very cheap. Fast train tickets can be obtained at the price of 90 euro a solid season certainly above 100 euros. Hotel too. Economical hotel prices are usually above 50 euros, we could get only 29 euro. For the second booking can be done through the internet.

For that, wemust be on time! Well, if you've arrived at the hotel, the clerkshallimmediatelyserve usandexplained everything aboutLourdes. Well, when wedid notask foran explanation, but he immediatelytalked aboutLourdes. Map ofLourdeswas immediatelygiven to uswithout ourasking. Not only that,the electronickey codewas immediatelygivento usfree to enterany hourhotel. It is up toin and out ofany hour.
St.Bernadettwparents houseinLourdes
Wecould easilyrightdown thestreettovisitthe smalltown ofMaria Caveor calledIlGrotoany hour.Is it safe? Do not worry! Very safe. Althoughquiet, there are still peoplewhoare alsomaking a pilgrimagethatseemed tohave afriend, in addition tothe famousLourdesissafe.

However, there arealso disadvantagespilgrimage toLourdesduringwinter.Some places inLourdes, such as museums, cap. Restaurants andplacessouveniralso openlate. Sometimesjust openedat 11.00on toporevennotopenat all. For that, we mustprepare foodanddrinksduring the tripso as not tostarve.
caveknownapparition siteilgorotoinlourdesat night
Hotelssometimesofferedbreakfastat a price of7 euro. If it isinterested,immediatelypay for ordersbreakfast becausethe hotel would notserve to guestswhen the clockafter theservice. Theywill actuallyrefuseguests who comefor breakfastoutside thehours of service. Shouldofferbreakfast in the hotelis veryrarelytaken becausehotels and restaurants areopenin the morning. This step needs tobe takenso that wedo notstarvein the winter!
Pilgrimage toLourdesin the winterremain attractive, intense,and importantlycheaperoriginwith good preparation.