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Test sake in Arashiyama

Test sake in Arashiyama

BY Danie Satrio, executive summary by darmansjah

I headed west from downtown Kyoto. To travel about 30 minutes, I arrived at the
Arashiyama- Sagano.Located at the foot of the mountains. Arashiyama bamboo forest popular will, rivers, mountains, dozens of temples, as well as the architecture of the village with a value authentic maintained for hundreds of years. I just wanted to remind, do not take a trip to this place during the summer. The weather is really to grip.

According to records, travelers can enjoy the natural beauty of
Arashiyama with various modes of transport. If you want to enjoy the panoramic view of the river can choose the boat. Meanwhile, any road there are two options: bus or train. I decided to choose the path of water and land. As soon asI was ridingthe busstop in Kameoka station, I boarded a boat from the river towards the bridge Hozugawa Togetsukyo, which became the main meeting point of tourists in Arashiyama.

The viewalong the riverhave indulgedmysense of sightfor abouttwohours. Althoughnotfluent in English, the crewkepttellingmeabout the history ofsome pointon the river sidewhich is consideredsacredby the locals. Notafraid ofhungeror thirstduring the journey, becausethere aresomefloatingstallsthat providesnacksandcold drinks.

Arrivingat the end,I chose thebicyclelanewayscontinuemy searchto the region. I'm spending1000 yenofthe pocketso that Imaywindup theareaby train. Afterclearingrentalbusiness, I soonobservedthatalleybetweenbuildingshundreds of years old.

I decided
to stopin front ofone of the buildings. This is oneof the oldestsakebreweryinArashiyama. Established since1717,brandedHeartLandsakebrewerythatalso serveswellas arestaurant-cum-club jazz. That'sbecauseAshimori-san, themasterbrewerwho is alsoa direct descendant ofthe founder ofHeartLand, is ajazzmaniac.

"Indonesia? Igot this..., "said thelong-haired manwith asoberEnglish, while showingCD"Simak Dialog"-one of Indonesia's topjazzband-collection. "I love theirmusic. They aregenius? "
thenasked me totry outJapan'shomemadewine.

"You cansee,the older the ageof sake, the darker thecolorclose to the colorof whiskey,"he said whilepouringwinefroma variety ofage-making into a glassandinvited meto tryone by onewhileeating confectionary.

There are
five glassesshould I try. The olderage ofsake, Ifeel the'kick'strongeralcohol. "Be careful with this one," he said, pointing Ashimori-san darkglass ofsakeabout 20 yearsold. Maybe hesawmy facebegan to redden.

There are five glasses should I try. The older age of sake, I feel the 'kick' stronger alcohol. "Be careful with this one," he said, pointing Ashimori-san dark glass of sake about 20 years old. Maybe he saw my face began to redden.

Sure enough, just a small sip, my stomach started to react and this head was spinning fast. Well, I give up! I was forced to admit defeat in the experts. He just laughed understand. From this I learned that the bike anyway, summer, and test sake, not a right blend.

Toneutralize thegreatinfluenceof sakein the bodyand head, I decidedtotry out theRomanticTrain.This isa series ofoldrailwaypacingalong the banks ofthe RiverHozu. The road ismore or lesssimilar toa boat tripI'velivedbefore.Only thesceneryjustalittlechange.Point of view. Hehmm...may bethe influenceof sakeHeartLaneis still toostrong.

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