ByD.M, ExecutivesummarybyDarmansjah
My firstimpressionwhen looking atCaracas, Venezuela, which isbathed insunlightisgray. Dullmemorablebuildings, graffitieverywhere, nonew buildings. Not feel thebeating ofa spiritofacountrywhoseGNIpercapita isaround12,000dollars, well aboveIndonesia'sapproximately4,500U.S. dollars.
Butonceyouenterthegray, inwhich there isa fullrange ofcolors, there is a pulseof lifethat expressesthe spiritofits peoplefora betterlife, whichunfortunatelymanifested itselfintwo camps.
Five days in Caracas to cover the funeral of President Hugo Chavez, did not give me the right to judge anything that I saw in the Venezuelan capital. Because of that, I decided to just give the eyewitness report, without judgment, without analyzing. And because Venezuela is known-asides from Chavez and oil-with his girls often win international beauty queen, let us point to their glimpse.
Commentsforeigners livinginVenezuela, there are only twotypes ofwomenthere, which isgorgeousandbeautiful.Ideals of manywomeninVenezuelaisaMiss. Beautybecame an obsession. Ifnaturedoes notgivebodyas you wish, lots ofwaystoimprove the situationwiththe help ofa surgeon.
"It not unusual for15-year-old girlgetsa birthday giftbreastenlargementsurgery. She saidbreast augmentationplasticsurgerythe mostgoodinVenezuela, whileinBrazilforbuttocksaugmentation, "saidthestranger. Unfortunatelynotenoughtimetocover thetruthandseekthe comment.
Butthe infoissomakes me wonderevery time I seebeautiful womenpassing byinshopping centers. Nothingseemedfake, some aresuggestingisprettyevident.Butifyou aresittingina cafein aluxury malllikeCentroCommercialElTolonin the area ofLasMercedes, youwillagreethat it is indeedbeautiful womeneverywhere. MoreoverCaraquenas(female residentsinCaracas) famousstyle consciousman's eyes soentertainingandawe(perhaps a littlejealous of) other women.
Butstrangeto my eyes, there isa plaqueona largefewstorethatstoresthesanctionshit. Erma, who accompaniedthe streets, sayingtaxandtraderuleshereare verystrict. Soif caughtbreakingastore, hewouldbe subject tosanctionsthatare closed, andcan only beopenedagainafter paying a fine. 'Zara hadclosed a fewdays,' thestoryofthe Spanishbrand. That said, the case is becausetheysellolder productsat a pricebased onthe exchange rateafterthe devaluation Februaryago.
Enjoy lunch at the food court while allowing Centro Commercial also to look at the life pulse Carasquenos. You want to try cachapa, local food corn pancakes with a variety of content, steak with cassava is soft and sticky, Japanese food or American fast food, all there. Of course you have to line up in an orderly manner because this mall especially on the weekends a popular destination residents.
The last dayinCaracas, afterErmatakea walkandsee thePlazaBolivararound, wewentalongtoatownshipin southeasternCaracas. Thisregionmaintainits legacyof colonialarchitecture, with housespaintedcolors. Itbecame onetouristdestination, withthe lowestcrime rateinCaracas. Itdoes not preventeveryhousetoputiron barsondoors and windows.
We went toHannsi, asuperbigcraft storesthatprovidelocalworks. You will beamazed to see thevariety ofcolorsandbeautifulitemson display. Statues ofsaintswhichintricateandbeautifulmeetaparticularspace. Thereis alsofolklorethathorriblemask. Alsothe work ofa nativeIndian. Thenthere wasa row ofstatues offemale dollsfrom clay. It was abit muchbeautyaccording touncoverhow theVenezuelanpeople. Allthedecorationdolltallslim. Andthatalmostcertainly, theirlarge breasts.
In aroom filled withstatues ofsaints, a womanattract attention. He wasprobablymorethan70years. White hair, stylishclotheswitha lowchestpiece, showingher breastswhichcreates an impressionof theshape isthe work of asurgeon. Confidently, the woman calledher husband, menas old.
Hot chocolate made me aware of the confusion. Rather than confuse interpret women's beauty obsession, we chose to buy coffee to take as suvernir Venezuela. Clearly, I have seen the color in his gray Caracas.