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Travel to Raja Ampat do reckless capital

ByAgnesSwettaPandia, executivesummarybydarmansjah

RajaAmpatin West Papua, like asmallsurgethat fellon theearth. Indeed sucha stunningbeautywho has alwaystoutedthenumber ofpromotions.

The sea iscrystal clearwith thethousands of fishincoralreefs canbe easilyenjoyed fromthe boat,a dream of manypeopleto be able tocruiseon one of theprovincesin the east end of Indonesia.

Raja Ampatin West Papua provincecommonly called"bird's head" has an area of​​46,108square kilometers, andnearly 80percent of themsea.Reach4860kilometerslongcoastline. However, only about 60,000inhabitantslives in35 islandsofwhichthere are610 islands. Its inhabitantsare scatteredin 98villagesand 17districts. Local populationconsists of 10tribesthat havemajorlivelihoodas a fisherman.

Sincetravelingby speed boatfor 2hours fromSorongto PortWaisaiinRajaAmpat, the eyes have been spoiledwith great viewsand aclearblue sea. The scenerymorestunningupon enteringthe RajaAmpat. Even though average airtemperature of45 degreesCelsius, not a reason tonottrythetouristdistrictissurrounded bycoralislands.

Touristswho come toRajaAmpatwasnotindiscriminate. Therefore,theymust spendno lessthanUS$2,000perperson. It wascompensationforthe beautyyanseenwhileswimming anddivingin someareas, as well as visitingthe beautifulislandsthat.Travel fromone island toanother bysmallboatquicklyat least 3hours to reach theislandWayag. This islandisone of the destinationsthat are excellentin thearea of ​​RajaAmpat.

The cost of"eye wash" the beauty ofRaja Ampatsightof themdrainedofrental boatsthat requireup to about 400litersPremiumRoundWaisai-Wayag. Rental boatsare alsousedforvarious formsacross theislands, white sand, and acavein theforest, includingthe sea. Fuel pricesinRajaAmpattend to be threetimesmore expensivethanthe normal price.

Visitors whoenterWajagIslands, compulsorylevytopayUS$25forbothlocalconservation, andUS$50for foreigners. Sopay a feeforConservation InternationalIndonesia, visitors are givenaplasticmedallionvalidfor a year.

As stated Waisai Beach Hotel manager, the cost to the picnic area is more expensive compared to other places, including in Europe. By renting a speedboat has six tourists passenger can enjoy the beauty of Raja Ampat as Waigeo, diving and Missol Waiwo, visit the Tourism Village Sawingrai to see birds of paradise, and Pianemo, a small island chain in Raja Ampat.

If you want to stay not in Waisai can Waigeo Island US$50 minimum rate includes the cost of meals a day, plus the cost of diving equipment including approximately US$50 per person. There are also offers package tours on the island of PEF, especially divers who want to stay and dive as much of tariff 2,350 euro to 7,000 euro.

Stepping beauty on Earth Cenderawasih it does not just dive or swim though the beauty and charm of Raja Ampat dominated coral reef and underwater biota, white sandy beaches, a cluster of small islands are beautiful, and the wilderness.

If you want to enjoy the rural atmosphere in Raja Ampat, can stay or just stop in the village on the island of Sawing Rai, about two hours drive from Waisai. Visitors can usually feed the fish in the form of starch dough so that different types of fish will invade. Furthermore, visitors can see birds of paradise closer to climbing Mount Manjai, Sawing Rai, for 30 minutes.

Dozens of birds of paradise red, split rattan, small and large paradise perch on a tree will appear as high as 2 meters. However, to be able to see birds of paradise, there are certain times, especially during sunny.

No Mass Tourism
RajaAmpatTourismisinevitablythe target of manypeoplefrom differentparts of the world. Although thecostis expensive, does not seem tobe areason fortouriststo come.

The beauty ofthe area as wellasasustainablemangroveforesttrimmings. Tourist attractionlocatedin theRaja Ampatmarinewealth. Therefore,as a national park, RajaAmpatcan not be developedas amass tourism. The goal,itis clearthatin order tomaintainthenaturalpreservationas a national park.

To maintaincontinuity, the effortsarerestrictions to theactivity ofdivingin RajaAmpat. The reason, body temperature issueddiversfeared coulddamage coralreefs.

So, divingactivitieswithdozensof people inthe same time, nothave been allowed. In fact, an underwaterphotographyactivitieswereprohibitedmassivelysincethe cameralightscandamage coralreefs.

RajaAmpatTourismis notto beexpectedmasstraveland cheapso peoplecome in droves. Touriststo theRajaAmpatmust be qualified andeducated. That is,knowhow tobehavewhilebeingtraveled upthatcoralreefsare not damaged.

Raja Ampatgovernmenthas also madesomerestrictionrulesto preservethe area.One isto limitthe presence ofthe resort. Up to 10years, thenumber ofthe resortis limitedup to 20resortcourse. So is thenumber of vesselsoperatingquickly. Currentlythere are sevenresorts,whilefast shipas many as 40units ofvarioussizes anddifferentpassengercapacities.

Indeed,touristswho wantto RajaAmpat, generallyhave an adventurous spiritandlovedivingand swimming.Moreover,fast boats that carry away touristsfromone island toanother, such as fromWaisai-Wayag, generalhis captain notundergoformaleducation. Shipswere generallynot equippedlighting, compass, orother meansof communicationwith hisfellowdriversshiporto determinethe intended directionand theposition of the ship. The averageshiponlydrum containingfueloil andall thepassengershave not beenwearing alife jacket.

For example,when the groupAgnesSwettaPandiaWaisai-Wayag route. Atleft, the weather was nice, andbarelyturbulentsea. However, during a trip home toWaisai, nearly anhourboathave8 peoplegotstuckin themiddle of the seaasthe captainlost.

Meansstandardport forships, also minimal. Thismakes manycaptainsdesperatefora positioncan not bequicklydocked andthe vesseljust spinningin the middle ofPacific Oceansea. The shipeventually escaped toWaisai, after receivinghelp fromother shipsthat alsobenightedofWaiyag.

Menginjakanfoot inRajaAmpat, probablythe dream of manypeople. Itcostsnot a constraintifthe determinationwas madeto enjoy thebeauty ofthe seaandlandscapeof the region. Butmost of all,prior totravel toRaja Ampat, should measurepower. Bothdiveandclimbthe cliff, obviouslyrequiresphysical strength. Becausewhen he was inpeakWayag, no place to sitor standfor long.

To climbthere are also twopoints, one locationbythe beach,whereanotherclimberjumpedoff the boatandclinging toa rock ora tree. Travelis alsomore excitingbecauseshe arrivedat thesummit, whichperpetuate thebeauty ofmarinevisitorswith a variety ofcolorsdue tothe reflection of light, coralreefs, as well as thedepth ofthe sea,should bedropped. Capacityat the peakmaximum of 10 people. Climbergoingto the top, had towait forthe previousgroupdown fromthe peak. Ifforcedat the top, visitors canjostleand ultimatelydangerous.One-onevisitors canplungeinto the sea.

Fortravel toRajaAmpat, the mostidealtimeisfrom September to Maydespite the hot weather. There is also theJune to August, there was a strong windthatwaves can reacha heightof 4 meters.

Flow of touristswho come toRajaAmpatuntil nowwere stilldominated byforeign tourists. Groups offoreign touristsusingcruise ships, generallywelcome to stayin the tourist areasof the sea andthe forest. So, if you wanta picnic toRajaAmpat, not enoughdeep pockets, but it does havean adventurous spirit. Mostkey, do not leavegarbagein thelittleheavenon earthso thatits beautyremains timeless.Hopefully.

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