Executive summary by Darmansjah
WELCOME and enjoy a myriad of natural and cultural charm Toraja. If you can talk, perhaps things that are spoken Rantepao, a small town in the district of North Toraja, South Sulawesi, to anyone who is visiting for the first time. Rantepao has long been known as the gateway Toraja region.
Beautifulandthe air is cool, soRantepaoknown. Alwayssurrounded byrolling hillscovered inmistpeak, Rantepaois unique, which isalwaysraineveninthe dry season. The citypassedSa'danRiver, a riverthat is the sourceof livelihoodandfarmsin the surrounding region.
Youdefinitelywill not get boredspending timehere. InRantepao, every need of touristsboth localand foreignfull range available. Hotels, travel agents, homestay, until themoney changerscan befound here. Rantepaowalk inas ifto makeyouwarm upbeforeheadingTorajabecauseheremost of thebuildingsconstructedby adoptingthe form ofToraja traditional house, whichTongkohan.
Rantepaois ina strategic locationandclose to severalfamous tourist destinationsinToraja. Ranteapoonly about4kilometersfromthe villageone ofthe mostfamoustourist destinationsinToraja, namelyKeteKesu. YoucanalsovisitLonda(the tomb of an ancientlimestone cave) is seven kilometers away.
Other attractionsthat can be visitedfromRantepaoisLama(old burialareaforthe ancestorsmaysarakatToraja), CityMakale(Tana Toraja), andRantepaoKambira(there are 300-year-old Tarratreeandgraveyard fordozens ofinfants aged7months) .Thereare alsonatural bathingTilanggaobjectwhich is only about12kilometers south ofRantepao.
During in Rantepao, try walking to the traditional market. Boisterous mingle into the market lower. Ranteapo market is around the market that there is only once every six days. There are two types of markets in the city, the market needs basic goods and livestock market. For animal market, its implementation is only at certain times and certain selling animals, such as buffalo, pigs, and dogs.
Five charm Toraja
Tana Toraja in South Sulawesi widely known among other things for his burial customs. However, if only a burial ceremony in Toraja are attractive? It turns out there are a number of things and other interesting locations that can be found in the district, located about 350 kilometers north of Makassar this.
Londais thesteeprocksthatare inthetypicaltombTanaToraja. One is locatedon the heightsofahillwithacaveinside. Herewecansee thecorpsecratesareset according tothe family line. While theothersideis left openmeadowoverlooking thegreenexpanse. Londais locatedapproximately5kilometersfromRanteapo.
Ke'teKesuvillageis amajor tourist destinationinTanaToraja. The interesting thinginthis villageisfromthe architecture, thebarnsandbuildingsofthemegalithiceraaround him. Behindthisvillage, about 100metersthere is acliffwith thegravecemeterysitedependentandtau-tau (dolls ofwoodorbamboo) in agivenbuildingfences.
Batutumonga, inthis area, youcanseeandfindabout 56stonemenhirsin a loopwithfourtreesinthe middle. Most ofthis stonehas aheight of about two orthreemeters. Interestingly, fromthis areayoucanseeandenjoy thebeauty ofRantepaoandsurroundingvalleys. Batutumongalocatedin theareaSenseanwithaltitude of 1,300meters above sea level.
TongkonanPallawais onetongkonanoryanveryinterestingcustom homethat sits between thebambootreeson a hilltop. Tongkonanisdecoratedwitha number ofbuffalo hornthat is attachedatthe front ofthe custom house. Pallawalocated about12kilometerstowardsnorthofRantepao.
Thisplaceis oftenreferred to asthe home of thespirits. Lemocemeterycan be seenfromthe airstored in thebody's open, amidthe steeprocks. That said,thiscemeteryis a blend ofdeath, art, andritual. Atcertain times, bodieswillbe replacedthrough theclothingceremonyMaNene