by Darmansjah
EUROPEAN like to create stunning eyes to the world. Not only synonymous with modernization, Europe also has many beautiful tourist sites. There are some countries in Europe are interesting to visit. One is Turkey.
Country located partly on the European Continent region and partly on the continent of Asia is the perfect destination to State. Ranging from beaches, beautiful islands, historic and religious buildings, to the various relics of high historical value contained in the majority of the Turkish nation adherents of Islam. In other words, every region in Turkeyhas its own uniqueness.
Aphrodisiac, for example, one of the old city in Turkey and is Helensis era relic known as the Holy City. The reason, the city has a shrine to the goddess Aphrodite offerings or Goddess Beauty.
Aphrodisiaccontainedinthebuilding wheregladiatorsfought. Localmenclashingmaintainingdignityanddemonstratethe strongesttothe goddess. The fightwaswitnessed by about30,000spectatorswillstop ifagladiatorpatheticlay deadat the hands ofthe opponent.
OtherexoticcityisHerapoliswhich is asacredrelic ofthe Romancity ofthe second centuryBC.Stand firminthecitybuiltaRomantemple. In addition, visitorscansee dozens ofsarcophagiandnecropolis, a coffinmade ofstone. Herapolisknowntheaterand thebuildingalso hasa philosophicalschool.
Areathat is not lessinterestingis theprovince ofDenizliinTurkeywhichmeanssea. The provinceis knownas thelargestproducer ofcottontextilemillthatwas established. In this placethere isahillcalledPamukale. Thehillsare whiteascottonwhichisthe origin ofthe wordPamukale. Favoritetourist attractioninPamukaleisa hot water bath. The watercontains calciumandminerals that arebelieved tocure rheumatismsohigh.
VisitingTurkey, notcomplete withoutstopping inAntaliaProvince. Thisregionis richwithbeautifulbeachesandexotic. Eveninthisprovincethere is a waterfallleading directly tothe sea. Beautifulsceneryaroundthe fallscanmakeyoumomentarily forgetthe fatiguelife is!