BySTSularto, executivesummarybydarmansjah
Thereare twodrivingI visitedGutenbergMuseumin the city ofMainz, Germany.First, thedemonstration ofthe workings of theJohannesGutenbergmadethe printing press(1400-1468)at theFrankfurtBookfair2012.Second, a trend electronicbooks that threatens the existenceof booksin print.
GutenbergMuseumestablished since1900.Mainzis a citywith remnants ofthe ancientgrandeurof the 19th centurybybuilding a model ofa strongrigidBarock. GutenbergMuseumbecamethe main attractionof the oldest citiesin Germany,followed byMainzcathedralthatstands majesticallyin front ofthe museumis said to bethe most beautiful buildingsalong theriverRhinewhich dividesGermany.
Under thefresh air, before the end ofautumn inmid-October, around the cityand along theperipheryof the Rhine, like areflectivejourney. ReflectionsadmirationofGermansuperioritydevelopnatural resourcesastourism centers. While inIndonesiafromdayto daycontinue toneglectnaturemarredby greed?In addition,reflectingthe admirationof the talentsbestowed uponGermanyby thevarious benefits thatthey develop.
German origins of human civilization, the pioneer and prominent starters of thoughts, ranging from economics, philosophy, to technology. Liberation theologies are carried Guitterez in Latin America were, for example, is said seed from Germany. Four God-given talents that they did not waste it. When was Indonesia, which may be awarded three or two talents are not wasted, and not buried in the ground?
In the sense of melancholy, envy, guilt and 'small' that I stepped into the door of the museum, which records the steps of groundbreaking human civilization in the days began to be bothered by the presence of electronic books. No warning no smoking, not to speak, and other restrictions unless prohibited to make a photo or record a video. Structuring the exhibition was neat, chronological, and there is a brief explanation in English and German.
First floorcontainsthe resultsof thefirstprint productionworkshopGutenberg, the followingdevelopmentsprintedbookproductionbefore and afterthe Gutenberg pressthe 15th century. Iconson the first flooris thebookGutenbergprintedthe firstBibleB42andCalendarTurkey, twoprintsGutenbergin 1454. Perhaps nootherprintsbefore, butthe goods arenot tracked.
Print history is familiar in Europe since the 14th century, but Gutenberg step further by finding a way to multiply text quickly, en masse, and more easily distributed.
The second floor contains the first printing machine replica in Gutenberg's workshop, in one after another with development and improvement by a number of other countries, even machines print version. The third floor contains the development of the production of books and newspapers, followingthe latest developmentswith theactualization ofdigitaldevelopment. There is one room on the floor to watch a movie about the world of printing which is of course a figure of Gutenberg.
Millennium Man
Gutenberg-paced tale about incomplete, and no source describes family life in full unless the child Highborn Friele Gensfleisch and Wirich Else, the date of birth was not clear certainty. On 24 January determined based on the caveat St. Johannes Gutenberg names when baptized Catholic in 1400 in a church that until now have not been remodeled left damaged by a bomb in the 18th century. Gutenberg body was buried in the center of Mainz.
Born and live in the Aufklarung, Gutenberg is one of the fruits of enlightenment rationalism medieval triggered by Rene Descartes, with one downside collusion world powers and authority of the Catholic Church, between the king and the pope / bishop. When disputes occur in Mainz between the nobility and the union peaked, the family fled to Eltville Gensfleisch, including Gutenberg. Back to Mainz in 1448, he entered the school gymnasium, an elite school in Mainz and then to the University of Erfurt.
On his return toMainzin 1448, ona loanof150guildersGeltuhusArnoldforher firstprintworkshop. Years1449-1452, a businessmanJohannesFustloaned him800guildersforthe gospelbook printingproject.
In1452,Gutenberghad scored180gospeleach containing1282pages.B42calledbecause eachprintcolumnhas 42lines. Later,in 1455, thebusinesswasGutenbergBibleprintedbyFustlegaldisputethat resultedFustprevioushiresPeterSchoffer, which thenprintsthe secondgospelin themuseumoriginalside by sidewith the GospelB42. Gutenbergto continueworkingin theshopitself.
Passed away onFebruary 3, 1468without leavinga wife andkidssono oneexpected himto enter the convent, Gutenbergbequeathpriceless treasuresin human civilization. His name isfragrantas the inventor ofthe art ofprintingbooks.
In 1999, Gutenbergwas namedManofthe Millennium(human millennium, ten centuries) by a team ofAmerican journalists. The title isnot only basedon the findings ofthe printing press, butalso asthe foundation stone ofthe global history ofhumancommunication.
The Gutenberg presswasbecoming moreandmore meaningfulasthe actualworldcommunicationindustryis currentlypreoccupiedby fears ofdecliningprint-print world.
Growthstagnatedprintmedia, and evencontinue todeclinemarkedthe closing ofa number ofprintmedia. ThomasMayerforecastthat in2042the printmediawilldienot onlyanticipated, butused aspartof mediastrategyin the future.Informationdeliveredthroughmultimedia, multiplatform, multichannel. Reading booksis no longerjustprint, butalsothroughmany other ways.
Yet, for all theprogress anddevelopmentsin this fast, keep allstarted fromthe figure ofGutenberg. From the city ofMainz, civilizationtextbooks(which will still besustainable) poking intoeverycornerof the earth.OfMainz, peoplesee the worldthe universe!