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Shirakawa-go and Takayama

'If you wanttounderstandtoday, youhavetosearchyesterday', soSydentrickerPearlBuck, novelistonce said. This sentencebringsYudasmoroMinasianito Shirakawa-goandTakayamain the north ofNagoya. Here hefindsthe values​​that broughtJapanintoone of themostmodernnations.

Temperature outside begins to drop to 7 degrees Celsius. The cold weather outside the window seemed to touch the bus I was riding. The trip to Shirakawa-go is less than an hour because I enjoyed overlooking the beautiful hills PerfectureGifu, central Japan region. Soon I will arrive in Shirakawa-go, a traditional village is designated as world heritageby Uneso. In contrast to the visited villages in Indonesia, visited Shirakawa-go can be done very easily because there is a smooth access roads reach this region. Many public transportation through this place with the bus schedule that I see plastered on a public bus station. Although many groups of tourists who come by bus tourism, there is also the use of public transport to come here.

When getting off the bus, immediately drizzle greeted me along with the air temperature gets colder. Kyoko the guide immediately took me to the view point where visitors can see first hand view of Shirakawa-go from the top. I was immediately amazed by the panorama of a village with houses form a nearly equilateral triangle. The village is situated on a half-foot mountain was shrouded in fog as it was before the winter. Around it I can still see patches of rice fields and the cold air smothering of whom had seen the trees began to fall leaves. "The shape of the roof of the house means that the shape of praying hands," explained Kyoko. Distinctive style of house building is known as gassho-zukuri. In addition to symbolize praying hands, a triangular shape is also intended to avoid a pile of snow in the winter arrives. "(With a shape like this) that there is snow on the roof can be directly downward," said Kyoko again.

After being looked at from a distance with Kyoko village I walked towards the village of Shirakawa. Downhill for about 15 minutes, we welcome the calm atmosphere of this route because the vehicles are not allowed to pass. All the visitors and residents either have to walk here. This was contradictory to the prohibition of the Japanese title as one of the country's largest automobile manufacturers in the world. Around the countryside I saw a stretch of fertile land and a small river with crystal clear water flowing Ryohaku mountain backdrop, this beautiful rural surrounds. What an amazing harmony of nature! With the typical atmosphere of the highlands, complete with a natural forest that grows on the slopes, do not be surprised if some people dub this place as its Japanese Alps.

Located onthe borderbetweenGifu prefecturesandToyamaI,Shirakawa-go is presentingamagnificentpanorama. Ifeellike being inanancientJapanesevillage, just asI have ever seeninthe movieThe LastSamurai, starring TomCruiseandKenWatanabe. That dayIdidnotseethe warriorsamuraiorJapanese womenwearingkimonoscomplete withaccessories, butyou'll enjoythe traditionalatmospherethroughgasshohousesmade ​​meseeanothersideofJapanthatis nowfamous for itsmodernization.

Yes, Shirakawavillageatmosphereandpresents aview ofJapan'spast. In this villagethere are about160 houses, mostly hundreds of years oldandin excellent condition. Somehaveconvertedtosupport thetourismindustrywhich is onemajor source of incomeof this village. It's used assouvenirshopsand inns, some areused as amuseum.

OnehouseI visited was theWadaHouse. Toget inside,visitorsare requiredto openfootwear, awisdomthatJapanis stillpracticedby mostpeople.Instead, housekeepers providethe typicalJapanesewoodensandalstowalkin the house.This househasan important rolein the18th and 19th centuriesbecauseonce occupied bythe villagechiefShirakawaandsomelocalofficials. They saythis housewas also aweaponsfactory. WadaHousenowserves as amuseumthat showsthe design, structureandsome of theoriginalhousehold itemsfromthe Edo period.Here Ican still seethesilkwormfarmsthatindicatethat thefirstShirakawaalso famous forsilkweavingbusiness. Be somefurnitureandkitchenappliancessuch as stoves, pots, steamerupthe oldfireplacesframedbyneatlyshowsthe typicalatmosphere ofthe past. Kyokoagainprovide an explanation ofthe buildingthatwashundreds of years old. Hetold methat theframeworkWadaHousedoes not useanynails. Everything isunitedbya knottiedwithropemade ​​fromthe roots. Roofis alsomade ​​withwoodanddrygrass. Withsuchnatural materials, traditional houseswould last forhundreds ofyears. This indicatesa hightechnicalcapabilityandexpertiseto recognize the powerof nature, two thingsinthismoderncenturycontinue to be developedbythe Japanesecommunity.

One of the uniqueness of Shirakawa-go is a different beauty in every season. In the summer of this traditional village looks green with flowers blooming in the house gassho. When autumn comes, the mountains around Shirakawa-go turns into a colorful as many trees leaf color changes to red and yellow. The atmosphere and color of the hills surrounding the village was changed as a colorful carpet. In winter, the white color that dominates the Shirakawa-go, making this area is so beautiful. At nightfall, the lights in this rural light reflecting on the white snow.

Finishing  completeto enjoythe beauty ofthe village ofShirakawa, thenwecontinuethe triptoTakayama, asmalltownfamous foritsoldstreet. In the16 th century, founded thefamilyKanimoriTakayamaCastlewhichmarked the beginning ofthe era ofthiscity's culturaldevelopment. The isolatedpositionamongthe mountainstoTakayamadevelopedintoacolonyby itself. Advancesocietydominated bythe carpenterswhoworkedinKyototobuilda houseof worship. Now, as acharacteristic ofTakayama's old town wherecraftsmenstillvisible.

In the afternoonentered theTakayamaI can still seethe groupof tourists, bothlocaland foreignwhoenjoystrollingpastJapan. Althoughthe streetsin the old townisas wide as theroadtollbutthere is hardlya passing car.Uniqueas wellasforcrossingthe road, Ihave to queueto wait forthe crossinglightturns green.And thennone of thepassing vehicles. The spirit ofdisciplinethat is appliedineveryday lifeof Japanese peopleisexemplary.

Kyokothen ledmedown theoldstreet, astreetor ratheran alleythat is stillpacked withold buildingsofwood. On either side ofthe roadIcouldseethesouvenirmerchantsandsake (a Japanese alcoholbeverage) whopeddletheir wares.Almost all thebuildingson thestreetis stillusing theoldwood andoldJapanese style. Some storesalsosellmanysouvenirsofwoodraw material. Do not besurprised ifhere, asinother citiesinGifuPerfecture, manysouvenirssoldin the form ofcutemonkeyfigurewith noface. CalledSarubobo, localpeoplebelievedthe dollsas agood luckcharm.

This roadalsoprovides avariety oftypical foodTakayamaissayingto miss.Culinary tourism inthe city isnot completewithout samplinga typicalsnackTakayama, Goheimochi, that looks likeicecreamwith astick. Actually,ricecakesarebakedand thencompactedandcovered withsweetandsaltyflavor, sprinkled witha littlepeanutandusually enjoyedwith a bowl ofmiso. Not to forget, I amalsowaiting in linefor a taste ofmiso(Japanese soup) for free. In the midst ofthe cold weatheris the mostdeliciousdisheswhile tastinghotsoup. Takayamahas becomeone of thetouriststoa vacationdestination, especiallydue tothe activity ofskiingin thewinter.

'This season seemsto snowmore quickly, "said Kyoko. AlthoughIhave not feltthat nightthe snow, butI understandwhat is meantKyoko. The air temperaturewas nearzerodegreesandI could not walkleisurelyformore frequentcoldaircovered! Butcold weatherdoes not seem todetertouristsandlocals tocontinue tomove, seenfrom the numberof people wanderingaround theoldstreet. Ispendthe time leftto get arounddowntownthat seems tohave startedquiet. Unlikebig citieslikeTokyo, Takayamaisbest suitedtoserveresort town. In addition tothe atmosphere is calm, the city alsooncenight fallsinstantlysilent. There is nonightlife inthiscity. Even soon the main road, Istillseeshopsbrightly liteven thoughthere was no buyer.
The next day, Kyoko invited me to visit the morning marketin downtown. Much like the market was surprised that often held in a residential area in Jakarta, morning market in Takayama also sell a variety of vegetables, fruits and a variety of basic needs. Some traders also held suvernir typical local area, including various types of dolls Sarubobo. Cultures of people who give priority to visible cleanliness of the market that looks neat and no one of them flies. That morning was a lot of tourists joined local residents to shop or just look around and take pictures. Location of market morning right in front of government house is really strategic. Apart from enjoying the atmosphere of a traditional market, I can take pictures in front of government house or Takayama djinnthat form the building as a traditional Japanese house.

TakayamaJinyaexistencebegan in1692whenthe  Takayama ruled byTokugawaShogunate. In the pastthis buildingserves as agovernment officeinthe Edo period.In 1969officiallyjust startedbeing used as amuseum. Thisbuildingis oneofdozens ofancient buildingsarestillpreserved. It'sjustwhenJapangrewinto a great nationbecausethey areproven toreally appreciatethe history.

In addition toa variety ofnatural and culturalattractions, Takayamais alsofamous for itsfestivals. TakayamaMatsurifestivalis believed to bethe local communityhas existed sincethe 16th century, including thethreebiggest festivalsinJapan. Held twicea yeareverysummerandautumn, thefestivalfeaturedprocessionscomplete withdecorativekarakuriningyo ormechanicaldollsareveryinterestingto watch.

Shirakawa-go andTakayama, presentingbothsides ofthe differenttraditional Japanese. Each has itsnoble values​​andhistoricidentitythat showthe Japanese peoplethe truth.Small townsaremakingmefeel at home forlongerwith the feelof the display ofcalmandI'm sure you too willfeel the samewhen visitingtheseinteresting places.

How To GetThere

Shirakawa-go andTakayamaare locatedclose together incentral Japan. Both canbe reachedfromNagoyaandTokyo. FromJakarta, thecitycan be reacheddirectlyby using theairlines, among others: GarudaIndonesia(www.garudaindonesiaairways.com): Jakarta-Nagoya/Tokyo; JapanAirlines: New York-Tokyo; air asia(www.airasia.com): Jakarta-Kuala Lumpur-Tokyo.

Howto Explore

There areseveralwaystoreach out toShirakawa-go andTakayama. FromTokyoyoucanuse theJRTokaidoShinkansentoNagoya(100-120 minutes, a fewtrainsperhour) and then move totrain JRHildaeskprestoTakayama(140minutes, one traineveryhour), thenconnectedwithNohiBus(50minutes, 8-9busesperday). Reached bypublicbusfromNagoyaorTokyo, whileTakaynamacan be reached bytrainfromNagoyaJRHidaExpress. FromNagoyaGifubusthereonce a daytoShirakawa-go withthe old3-hour trip. Takayamaalsocan be reachedfromTokyoby bus. There are5-7busesfromKeioHighwayBusTerminalinTokyotoTakayamaoperatedbyKeioandNohilongbustripwith5.5 hours. ArrivinginShirakawa-go andTakayamayoucanget aroundby foot.

 JR tokaido shinkansen

Where to Stay

In order to explore the Shirakawa-go and Takayama with more flexibility, we encourage you to spend the night. Do not forget to look at sites like http://www.agoda.comto see the special offers that can save your expenditure, you know the Japanese are bleak tourist destination that requires an excessive expenditure or budget, because it was so high price of goods or services that are carved on the list price of goods or services they offer.

ToyotaShirakawa-go EcoInstitute

ToyotaShirakawa-go EcoInstitute,. With a locationdirectly at the footof MountHakusan, this house canbe themost appropriatelocationtolearn about thetraditions ofJapanas well asthe latesttechnologicalknow-based environment. 'Hotel-School'providesafreshnaturalenvironmentforyou tolearn more aboutthe environment.323Magari, Shirakwa-mura, Ono-gun, Shirakawa-go, JapanT.5015620056769-6-1187website:www.toyota.eco-inst.j

Oyado Koto No Yume Japanese Ryokan

Oyado Koto No Yume Japanese Ryokan or traditional hotel is one of the best in Takayama. Enjoy the atmosphere of the past with modern facilities, complete with a variety of trinkets local artisans works. Especially for women provided a wide selection of Japanese Yukata or Kimono that can be used submarines to stay here. 6-11, Hanasato-cho, Takayama, Gifu 506-0026 T. 0577-32-0427 website: http://www.kotoyume.com

 super hotel hida

SuperHotelHidaTakayama-Forselection ofhotel deals, networksarealreadyreachingthe SuperHotelTakayamacanbealternative. Locatedclose toJRTakayamastation, fromthishotelyoucan accessvarious parts ofthe cityincluding theShirakawa-go with ease. 4-76, Tenmacho, Takayama-shi, Gifu. T.0577-32-9000; http://www.superhoteljapan.com

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