Original Text by Amelia Mularaz, executive summary by darmansjah
Hadcontrolledgang, is now expanding incontemporaryclassicalalloys.
Fortunately,this areacalledHell'sKitchen. It soundsless exciting, but still moremendingthan 'Battle Row, "" House ofthe blazes, "or" DeathAvenue. "That's the popularnamesin the early 1900's when the gangParlorMob, Gorillas, and theGopherscontrolledthe streetsand docks. This areastretches along34thStreetto57th Street, adjacent toEighth Avenueto the northandthe Hudson Riverto the west. Prestige ofthepoorin the pastas aplaceto change into thetowntroublemakernowBroadway star.
TheaterDistrictis aparadise fortheater artistsinHell'sKitchen. ChadKimballalsofeel at home here. ThenomineetonyAward (award forBroadwaytheater) for his rolein the play-musical Memphisisliving inHell'sKitchendiveover a year."The closer to thetheaterwhere I live. I'meven morerarelylate tothe theater, "saidKimball. "It seems I was right."
While off gig, Kimball likes to relax while drinking whiskey at On the Rocks and Druids are 'arty. The restaurant was formerly called tramstop Sunbrite Bar, where The Westies, a group of Irish thugs of the most powerful, often mingle at '70s era, until '80s. Now you can freely downing Long Island while watching the local art without fear in the 'collection' kingpin Eddie "The Butcher" Cummiskey. When you see the pig statue at the entrance to Rudy's Bar & Grill, immediately go and sit on the red sofa. Once you order a drink, the waiter will serve hot dogs for free of charge. No less exciting tropical and fruity rum drinks at theReunion.
Prestige of Hell's Kitchen as the culinary tourist paradise more lasting fame than the thugs who had control of the region. Flown-restaurant row on 46th Street between 8th and 9th Avenue-and dine at Barbetta, Italian restaurant that has been around since 1906. Berbetta never be the set of the television series Mad Men fourth season between character Don Draper and Bethany. Laura Maioglio restaurant proudly claim his inheritance was used as a filming location. "Andy Warhol and Woody Allen also had to make a movie here, he said. "The scene in the movie The Departed also filmed here. But the impact is not as big as Mad Men that make our restaurants selling well. "
Beforetriggersatiety, a time to taste thetypicaldessertHell'sKitchenis very tasty. Amy's Breadservescalorie-ladencakealmondbriocheandcoconutdreambars. If stoppingat theCupcakeCafécan so youmeetbroadcasterRadioWNYC/WQXRDavidGarlandbeingunwindaftertracingHell'sKitchenFleaMarket. Flea marketis only openon weekendsoffers avariety ofantique,fromthe chemical reactiontubetowatchDukes ofHazzardstyle.
If not it's time to stop in the flea market, foot step to store glassware antique Thrift & New Shoppe, which offers a variety of collections and arranged by color. Meet the shopkeeper, Minas Dimitriou, while not busy. He would be happy to invite you to drink wine. The goods in Domus is relatively new and no less interesting. This store owners around the world to find craft items, such as pillows from Peru or soaps from Afghanistan.
Besidesshopping, Hell'sKitchenis alsofilled withgiant building, such as thePortAuthorityBusTerminalis toutedlargest in the U.S., as well as the IntrepidSea, Air &SpaceMuseum, where there areaircraftof World WarII,weighing270,000 tonsfloating nearthe docksof the Hudson River.
Stillthere was another surprise: the buildingsattractive designmasterpieces. FilmCenterbuildingcouldhave been overlookedgivenits entranceflankedItalianrestaurantandcrepestall. But oncesteppedfootinto the building, you'll understand why hislobbydesigned byElyJacquesKahnin 1928toutedthe most beautifulworks ofart decoin this city.
Anotherbuildingis no lessenthrallingstandingat West55thand9th. Openedin 2005, theJoanWeillCenteristhe largestdancecomplexin the U.S., including theAlvinAileyAmericanDanceTheater. Whilebeing here, there's no harm indancingclassesareopen to the public, and who knowsyou'rein the elevatorwithHopeBoykin. According to thelegendarydancer, people inHell'sKitchenmutuallyfamiliar with each other. Evensubscriptionnailsalon employeesalways greet youevery time hestopped. "Theyknow theschedule ofmygig," he says, "and everytime Icame, theyembracedwelcomed me."-Amelia Mularz.
Around the Region
actuallocation ofLe ParkerMeridien(119W.56thStreet)is farto the eastof Hell'sKitchen, but it's hardto resist the temptationBurgerJointis at thelobby. Unleash thecurtainnear the front deskand apeek at theback roomwheregrillingburgersin thecity'smost deliciouspamperingtongue.Or, satisfy yourthirstat theKnave, whereyoucansipa latteservedladenart.Cocktails arenot going todisappointher, also youwill be addicted tofried olivesservedfor free.- by AM.